Saturday, March 28, 2009

Heavenly Brew

A pastor friend describes life as something akin to a book. Life has chapters, he says. One ends, another starts. Often I find myself not wanting for chapters to end. I want to hold on to the good stuff, I am not always good at letting people go. I want to freeze-frame moments of peace and joy… I shared this with the owner of my favorite coffee shop this morning. This place of retreat and sanctuary is closing today. The economy proved to be too hard. I wrote Sharon a card. I wasn’t quite sure what to say and how to say it. I feel things deeply but I am not always real good at translating my feelings into words, but I wrote this:
“Dear Sharon and Heavenly Brew Team: Today is more than likely a bittersweet day. But I hope you celebrate the fact that you have provided this community a great place to be. You will certainly be missed but the cozy times of intimacy with friends, the animated conversations, the soul warming goodies will not be forgotten.
I, for one, will never forget the grace of an oatmeal cranberry cookie when I was facing medical uncertainty earlier this year. You were a true angel in disguise that day.
This is the beginning of a new chapter and I wish you the very best.”

I hope this does not sound too trite or cheesy. But however clumsy this might be, I wrote it from my heart.
I know God is not done with Sharon and the gift of warmth and hospitality she possesses. She will continue to bless others. I hope our paths will cross again.
I rejoice at new opportunities which are coming but I have to be honest, I grieve today also. I told Sharon, and maybe this is selfish, that I looked forward a couple of times a week, after working out at the Y, to getting a cup of coffee at her place and just sit for a while before the day would start in full force. This was a great place to be, to read, to watch people and meet friends and make new friends. Sharon and the staff got to know my name and what I do quickly. They always seemed happy to see me as I was to see them. I felt welcome. They got to know and remember that I like cranberry oatmeal cookies, that I like their berry oatmeal-bake warmed up and without milk. They knew my favorite flavored coffee was Blueberry Muffin.
Someone in front of me ordering today said that she felt as if she had been evicted with nowhere to go since Heavenly Brew will be no more. I feel a little like that. Where will I go to get coffee and soul-warming goodies but more importantly where will I go when I need to be, when I need community? Church is one place but it is not the same. This was a different kind of sanctuary.

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