Thursday, October 30, 2008


It seems like everybody is blogging these days. I was wondering when I started this a few weeks back why I blog. Doesn’t it seem arrogant to think that anybody would be interested in what I think about whatever topics happen to be on my mind and heart at any given moments? I still don’t know about that. I am not even sure anybody is reading what I am writing, even though I did give out my blog link to some friends but I did realize a couple of things:

1. Blogging helps me think about things. It helps me put my curiosity somewhat into words. But then why not journal in my more traditional paper journal? Well, I do that too some but blogging is not journaling.

2. Some of my friends blog. Some are younger than I am and some are older. And I find myself really enjoying what they write about. I am interested in what they think about and about what is important in their lives because I love these people and care about them. Some of what they write really resonates with me. No matter the topic of their blog I always feel blessed when I have read what they write in their blogs. And that is true of friends that I see and talk with on a fairly regular basis and also for those who are geographically distant. I feel closer to them in some ways. I get to glimpse at a little bit of their heart and in turn, if anybody reads my blog, they see a little piece of my heart too.

3. I think that is the main thing that got me going with blogging, the need to connect and to share. It is not that I think that what is write is brilliant or earth shattering in any way but it is a new way for me to reach out in an attempt to connect with friends and with people I may never meet in person.

4. I think people are starved for connection and meaning and deep relationships. Maybe I am projecting my thoughts and needs onto others but I do believe there are plenty of people out there feeling this way too. The world moves too fast too often. People are too busy. Too many relationships are very superficial. Families are not always geographically close...

5. I hope blogging never replaces face to face or voice to voice contacts though. A blog can't share a cup of coffee with you on a crisp autumn morning. A blog can’t give you a hug when you need one but it is one form of contact.

My hope is that my wonderings might help someone in some way. I leave that up to God.

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